123 Accounting Grinds is offering individual Summer Grinds in Accounting and Maths. We are offering a special rate of 30 euros per hour. We have limited places available. The starting date is the 7th of June. If you wish to …
Revision Day 6 hrs online Accounting Grinds for 6th years. 09/05/2021 9.30am to 4:00pm Leaving Cert key questions with a hands on approach Book now limited places available.
Free online Accounting Grind for 5th years 27/02/2021 7pm to 8pm Introduction to Ratios Covid 19 epidemics have cause stress on students we are offering the first Free Grind for 5th leaving cert. Book now – limited places available.
When was the last time you read a book, or a substantial magazine article? Do your daily reading habits centre around tweets, Facebook updates, or the directions on your instant oatmeal packet? If you’re one of countless people who don’t …
9 Online Learning Strategies for Success 1. Get Organised Before the course begins, ensure you have the technical capability to access the required course materials, including e-books, online tools, and course websites. Take the time to practice navigating the online …
Many students regularly face studying and exam stress. On top of this, a majority of students will force themselves to spend hours in the library when there is a looming exam, get rid of social activities in their lives and …